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2007 Desktop Linux Market survey
Please participate in DesktopLinux.com’s annual desktop Linux market survey. By answering a few quick questions, you will help us build a composite profile of our readership.
NOTE: Participants are asked to refrain from promoting or advertising the survey to mailing lists, or encouraging friends or co-workers to vote for specific software choices. This will ensure that the survey represents a broad sample of Linux desktop users rather than being used to advance a particular open-source software cause.
As usual, DesktopLinux.com will publish the results of the survey following its conclusion.
1. Which Linux distros do you use on your home or office desktop system(s)?
Arch Linux 2.4 %
CentOS 1.4 %
Damn Small Linux (DSL) 1.3 %
Debian 11.5 %
Dream Linux 0.1 %
Fedora 5.7 %
Freespire 0.3 %
Gentoo 7.4 %
Kanotix 0.3 %
Knoppix LiveCD 3.1 %
Linspire (formerly Lindows) 0.1 %
Linux Mint 0.9 %
Mandriva (including Mandrake, Lycoris, Connectiva) 2.7 %
MEPIS 0.8 %
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 1.2 %
openSUSE 17 %
PCLinuxOS 2.2 %
Puppy Linux 0.5 %
Red Hat 1.5 %
Sabayon 0.7 %
Slackware (or SLAX liveCD) 2.4 %
Ubuntu (including Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu) 32.5 %
VectorLinux 0.3 %
Xandros 0.2 %
Zenwalk (formerly MiniSlack) 0.4 %
Other (please tell us) 1.2 %
Does not apply 0.3 %
2. Which windowing environments do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
BlackBox 0.5 %
FVWM 0.4 %
GNOME 43.4 %
Enlightenment 1.9 %
Fluxbox 4.1 %
IceWM 1.5 %
KDE 35.4 %
OpenBox 0.5 %
WindowMaker 1.1 %
Xfce 8.4 %
Other (please tell us) 1.7 %
Does not apply 0.5 %
3. Which web browsers do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Dillo 0.6 %
Epiphany 2.4 %
Firefox (aka Iceweasel) 59.1 %
Flock 0.3 %
Galeon 0.5 %
Konqueror 13.8 %
Mozilla 3.7 %
Netscape 0.1 %
Opera 11.8 %
Safari 0.3 %
Seamonkey 1.8 %
Text-based browser (Lynx, Links, ELinks, etc.) 4.5 %
Other (please tell us) 0.3 %
Does not apply 0.2 %
4. Which email clients do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Balsa (GNOME) 0.1 %
Claws Mail 0.3 %
Evolution 22.2 %
KMail 13.2 %
Lotus Notes 0.3 %
Mozilla Messenger 0.5 %
Mutt 2.8 %
Netscape Messenger 0 %
Opera 2.1 %
Pine 1.1 %
Scalix 0 %
SeaMonkey 1 %
Sylpheed 1.6 %
Thunderbird (aka Icedove) 31 %
Non-client email (GMail, Yahoo Mail, etc.) 18.2 %
Other (please tell us) 0.9 %
Does not apply 3.9 %
5. Which of these methods do you use to run Windows apps on your Linux desktop(s)?
Cedega 4.5 %
Crossover 3.6 %
KVM 0.7 %
OpenVZ 0.1 %
Server-based Windows Client (Citrix, Windows Terminal Server) 1.9 %
Qemu 2.5 %
VirtualBox 6.3 %
VMWare 14.7 %
Wine 32.3 %
Win4Lin 0.3 %
Xen 1.1 %
Other (please tell us) 0.6 %
None — I don’t run Windows apps on Linux 31 %
UPD: http://www.desktoplinux.com/cgi-bin…0712407&voted=1